Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008

Walmarts interview process is stricter than most.Three people from management interview you and take notes about you.The questions asked arent the normal questions like tell us about yourself or where do you wanna be in 10 years.The questions are prewritten they ask about naming different times in the past about work experiences example tell me a time you helped a customer without being asked.After the first interview the management goes in a room and talks about you getting the job.Then if you get past the first interview more form questions about previous work experience.These questions are more about safety and rules.Then they extend you a job offer and ask if you will submit to a drug test and background check.The drug test is very strict once you are at the place you cant leave the place until you do the test.You get to drink no more than 2 bottles of water all the water is turned off in the bathroom and you have to empty your pockets before the test.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sorry i havent posted anything lately but i was offered a job as a cashier at walmart its been stressful im just learning and have made a lot of mistakes my job coach from capabilities scott is a big help.I dont know what id do without capabilities and vesid they are great at help disabled people be successful at working
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
One of the most inspirational players to play for the Baltimore Orioles organization.After finishing the 1997 baseball season with the shorebirds Joel began his brave and valiant battle with colon cancer.On september 30th 1998 Joel passed away at age 22.In the fall of 1999 the frederick keys created the Joel A Stevens memorial fund.The fund is to benefit children with serious illnesses or bereavement due to the death of a parent or sibling.Tax-deductable contributions by business or individuals are accepted in any amount at any time.
community foundation of frederick county
312 east church street
frederick maryland 21701
with joels kids in the memo line
email bfreund@frederickkeys.com
phone 301-695-7660
community foundation of frederick county
312 east church street
frederick maryland 21701
with joels kids in the memo line
email bfreund@frederickkeys.com
phone 301-695-7660
joel stevens,
joels kids,
Monday, September 15, 2008
In june Obama led Mccain by 18 points.He led the race 51-33 in percentage ponts.In july the lead decreased to 13 august decreased the lead to 8.Now 7 weeks till the election the race is down to only 5 percentage points.The poll done today was by siena college.
On six questions concerning current events economy,iraq,terrorism,healthcare,americas position in the world and education.Voters believed Obama would do a better job on four of them.
On six attributes voters look for in choosing a canadate :compassion,patriotism,intelligence,experience,integrity and leadership.NY voters give the edge to MCcain in four of them.
NY has long been regarded as a safe state for the democrats.
On six questions concerning current events economy,iraq,terrorism,healthcare,americas position in the world and education.Voters believed Obama would do a better job on four of them.
On six attributes voters look for in choosing a canadate :compassion,patriotism,intelligence,experience,integrity and leadership.NY voters give the edge to MCcain in four of them.
NY has long been regarded as a safe state for the democrats.
siena college,
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A baby is born with a hole in its heart
Some people develop cancer
People cant get along
People who want to get married cant find a mate and people who dont want to be married cant get out of their marriages
A parent would kill their children
When we get old we revert back to childhood
Boys will be boys
When a guy has sex hes a stud when a girl has sex shes a slut
Girls like tall guys
A woman would sell her virginity on the internet
I wonder a lot of other things like why isnt life fair if their is a god i guess we can just hope for the best because we cant change the past we dont know the future
A baby is born with a hole in its heart
Some people develop cancer
People cant get along
People who want to get married cant find a mate and people who dont want to be married cant get out of their marriages
A parent would kill their children
When we get old we revert back to childhood
Boys will be boys
When a guy has sex hes a stud when a girl has sex shes a slut
Girls like tall guys
A woman would sell her virginity on the internet
I wonder a lot of other things like why isnt life fair if their is a god i guess we can just hope for the best because we cant change the past we dont know the future
Thursday, September 11, 2008
In early august legionnaires disease was found in elmira at the flannery apartments on elmira southside.Two people died and more were hospitalized.The disease is causing legal drama in elmira that wont end soon.
Legionnaires disease first named in 1976 when 1000s of american legionnaires gathered to celebrate the american bicentenial.100s of them became sick 34 died symptoms were like pneumonia.Most often people develop the disease after they inhale bacteria called legionella that flourish in large air conditioning systems,showers whirlpools,and even potting soil.Its unknown why some people become sick and some dont but the elderly and people with weak immune systems are at most risk.Most of the time antibiotics can cure it but some people continue to experience problems after treatment.
Legionnaires disease first named in 1976 when 1000s of american legionnaires gathered to celebrate the american bicentenial.100s of them became sick 34 died symptoms were like pneumonia.Most often people develop the disease after they inhale bacteria called legionella that flourish in large air conditioning systems,showers whirlpools,and even potting soil.Its unknown why some people become sick and some dont but the elderly and people with weak immune systems are at most risk.Most of the time antibiotics can cure it but some people continue to experience problems after treatment.
flannery apartments,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Today everybodies lives have in some way been touched by cancer.In the elmira new york area there are a lot of cancer charity funds.The most famous is Ernie davis.Ernie davis played for syracuse university and won the heisman trophy.He was drafted by the cleavland browns.Every year in elmira ny the have the Ernie davis award given to the best football player in the area.In elmira is also the Ernie davis community center helping kids all the time.Elmira also had Joel stevens played football for elmira notre dame and was drafted in baseball by baltimore.He died of colon cancer.There is a Joel stevens award elmira notre dame gives out and a memorial golf charity tournament every year in elmira.The tournament is so popular there is a waiting list now.In mansfield pa there is a baseball tournament held for Joel stevens charity.Many baltimore players come and participate.Josh palmer was diagnosed with hodgkins disease in college.He is a survivor and holds a charity basketball tournament every year around christmas.Elmira holds many race for the cure events.Elmira is a caring charitable place.
ernie davis community center
362 e.5th street
elmira,ny 14901
for joel steven questions email john@nysaf.com
ernie davis community center
362 e.5th street
elmira,ny 14901
for joel steven questions email john@nysaf.com
ernie davis,
joel stevens,
josh palmer,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Goes by the slogan a friend in need is a friend indeed.A program like compeer true friends you can talk to about anything.They will go the extra mile help you out with daily assistance in life.Steve has been a teachers aid for years can help get g.e.d. or college help.call steve at 607-732-2658 for more info located in elmira ny only
mental health services,
Monday, September 8, 2008
1) The U.S. surgeon generals report on mental health(1999)
2) The report of the presidents new freedom commision on mental health
3) Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance abuse conditions by the national academy of science (2005)
Each states progress towards a proven cost-effective system of mental health care is indicated by a letter grade(a,b,c,d,f) each grade is calculated in part by 39 specific criteria organized in four categories
-information access
-recovery support
UNDECIDED 2 including new york
idaho,illinois,iowa,kansas,kentucky,montana,north dakota,south dakota all received F
This report is not good it shows the serious lack of support for mental health consumers
1) The U.S. surgeon generals report on mental health(1999)
2) The report of the presidents new freedom commision on mental health
3) Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance abuse conditions by the national academy of science (2005)
Each states progress towards a proven cost-effective system of mental health care is indicated by a letter grade(a,b,c,d,f) each grade is calculated in part by 39 specific criteria organized in four categories
-information access
-recovery support
UNDECIDED 2 including new york
idaho,illinois,iowa,kansas,kentucky,montana,north dakota,south dakota all received F
This report is not good it shows the serious lack of support for mental health consumers
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Peta took out an add in the magazine dog facy.They offered a free pet bag and they sent people that responded pet body bags.Dog fancy magazine had nothing to do with it and they ripped peta for doing it.The malcolm x attitude by any means necessary doesnt work.They can use their money and time in more constructive ways.Peta is a bunch of extremists that do more harm than good.
animal rights,
dog fancy,
malcolm x,
Saturday, September 6, 2008
For the first 50 years of the festival it was held at St Anthonys church and called ST Anthonys festival the grounds were off college ave and park place in elmira ny.The 51st year of the festival it was called blessed sacrament festival.This year the 52nd year it is called the blessed sacrament festival and held at st peter and pauls church.Across from ST Joes hospital in elmira ny.Its one of the best festivals in town.They have the best food pizza frete,cavatellis,salt potatoes,pizza,sausage sandwitch and much more.They have adult games and childrens games icecream beer everything its a great time.
blessed sacraments,
st anthonys
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Stigma begins by labeling someone.Stigma by definition is a mark of disgrace and shame.Stigma has 4 components:
-Labeling someone with a condition
-stereotyping people with that condition
-Creating a superior us group and a devalued them group resulting in loss of status in the community
-Discriminating against someone on the basis of their labor
A diagnosis is a label a label can offer reassurance that your condition has a medical cause and can steer you towards treatment labels arent all negative and dont all result in a stigma many illnesses today are gaining acceptance and empathy,like breast cancer today people talk about it and hold benefits for survivors advocates wear wrist bands and ribbons.People with breast cancer would never be ridiculed by people with mental illness still face ridicule.
Why does stigma of mental illness continue?
mental illness suggests its not a medical or physical illnessTo some mental refers to a problem caused by your own choices and actions.People may blame you and think its all in your head.People may think people with mental illness are weak or lazy they should just get over it.
In reality mental illness has very complex causes a mix of genetics,biology and life experiences,most of them are beyond your control.
Some mental health conditions have more stigma attached then others like schizophrenia has more stigma compared to depression.
Harmful effects of stigma
-pretending nothing is wrong
-refusing treatment
-rejection by family and friends
-difficulty finding housing or a job
Coping with stigma
-get treatment
-surround yourself with supportive people
-dont equate yourself with your illness
-share your own experience
-monitor the media
join a advocacy group
-Labeling someone with a condition
-stereotyping people with that condition
-Creating a superior us group and a devalued them group resulting in loss of status in the community
-Discriminating against someone on the basis of their labor
A diagnosis is a label a label can offer reassurance that your condition has a medical cause and can steer you towards treatment labels arent all negative and dont all result in a stigma many illnesses today are gaining acceptance and empathy,like breast cancer today people talk about it and hold benefits for survivors advocates wear wrist bands and ribbons.People with breast cancer would never be ridiculed by people with mental illness still face ridicule.
Why does stigma of mental illness continue?
mental illness suggests its not a medical or physical illnessTo some mental refers to a problem caused by your own choices and actions.People may blame you and think its all in your head.People may think people with mental illness are weak or lazy they should just get over it.
In reality mental illness has very complex causes a mix of genetics,biology and life experiences,most of them are beyond your control.
Some mental health conditions have more stigma attached then others like schizophrenia has more stigma compared to depression.
Harmful effects of stigma
-pretending nothing is wrong
-refusing treatment
-rejection by family and friends
-difficulty finding housing or a job
Coping with stigma
-get treatment
-surround yourself with supportive people
-dont equate yourself with your illness
-share your own experience
-monitor the media
join a advocacy group
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive uncontrollable and often irrational worry,about everyday things which is disproportionate to the source of worry.The excess worry interferes with daily living like thinking the worst is gonna happen in health matters,money or familymatters.People with G.A.D.exhibit a variety of physical symptons like:fatigue,headache,nausea,muscle tension,difficult swallowing,trembling,insomnia,sweating,hot flashes.These symptons must be persistant for at least 6 months for a diagnosis.About 6.8 million american adults experience G.A.D.It affects twice as much women as men.About 2.8% of the adult population 18-54.
Some research shows G.A.D. may run in families and usually start at earlier age.Symptons may manifest slower than other anxiety disorders.
treatment may include antianxiety meds or/and antidepressants.
Behavioral therapy relaxation techniques
cognitive therapy teaches patients to react differently to the situations and bodily sensations that trigger anxiety symptoms.
more information on G.A.D. at the website http://www.mentalhealthchannel.net/gad/index.shtml
Some research shows G.A.D. may run in families and usually start at earlier age.Symptons may manifest slower than other anxiety disorders.
treatment may include antianxiety meds or/and antidepressants.
Behavioral therapy relaxation techniques
cognitive therapy teaches patients to react differently to the situations and bodily sensations that trigger anxiety symptoms.
more information on G.A.D. at the website http://www.mentalhealthchannel.net/gad/index.shtml
mental health channel,
supported employment,
Monday, September 1, 2008
In 2006 nami (national alliance on mental illness)GRADING THE STATES:A REPORT ON AMERICAS MENTAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM FOR SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESSES provided the first assessment in 15 years of publicly funded mental health services.The national average was a D.
New york was 1 of only 2 states that declined to respond to the survey.New york received the grade u for unresponsive.
In new york city and other urban centers the need for services far exceeds the supply.Contributing to criminal activity and homelessness.There are more people in rikers island than any psyciatric hospital in the country.
Ny spends 103.32 on each person for mental health spending.Ranking among the highest in the country.
Advocates agree ny has two many state hospitals 26.Decades of downsizing has created an anamaly there are two many hospitals and two few beds.There are only 4000 beds
Ny is one of a minority of states that still does not require mental health parity insurance.Timothys law a parity bill nearly passed in 2005 but stalled in the state senate.
On the positive side omh has developed a joint agreement with new york city to develop supportive housing.The plan will increase housing for 5,500 people with mental illness.These will be added to 31,000 already available.
Suicide numbers have been high in recent years so omh is investing in awareness,education and prevention.
per capita mental health spending 192.07 3rd in nation
per capita income 34,725 6th in nation
total mental health spending in millions 3,681 2nd in nation
suicide rank 49
If you want to participate in this years survey http://www.nami.org/mentalhealthservices includes version in spanish
New york was 1 of only 2 states that declined to respond to the survey.New york received the grade u for unresponsive.
In new york city and other urban centers the need for services far exceeds the supply.Contributing to criminal activity and homelessness.There are more people in rikers island than any psyciatric hospital in the country.
Ny spends 103.32 on each person for mental health spending.Ranking among the highest in the country.
Advocates agree ny has two many state hospitals 26.Decades of downsizing has created an anamaly there are two many hospitals and two few beds.There are only 4000 beds
Ny is one of a minority of states that still does not require mental health parity insurance.Timothys law a parity bill nearly passed in 2005 but stalled in the state senate.
On the positive side omh has developed a joint agreement with new york city to develop supportive housing.The plan will increase housing for 5,500 people with mental illness.These will be added to 31,000 already available.
Suicide numbers have been high in recent years so omh is investing in awareness,education and prevention.
per capita mental health spending 192.07 3rd in nation
per capita income 34,725 6th in nation
total mental health spending in millions 3,681 2nd in nation
suicide rank 49
If you want to participate in this years survey http://www.nami.org/mentalhealthservices includes version in spanish
grading the states,
mental health services,
non profit,
work skills
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