
Friday, July 30, 2010

Getting closer

My journey towards my career started last August when my worker Lee sent an application to vesid. I have been through vesid several times but the other times they would send me to supported employment I would get a employment specialist and start working. This is the first time I requested vocational training. It took several months to get an intake appointment. At the appointment I had to fill out so much paper work about my past I wanted to quit then. A few months later I got to meet with My vesid counselor Tom. Tom made me take vocational tests that told what career would be good for me. Computers was on the list and I've always enjoyed working on the computer. Now I had to take a t.a.b.e.s test a test of basic adult education. I studied for the test on this website. I was never good in math and I've been out of school for 20 years but I scored a 8.6 grade level in math and 9.6 grade level in reading. I thought I wouldn't be able to get in the program but they told me it was good enough and people out of school so long usually score a lot lower. Now I'm in the program and school starts September 20th now I just have to get usued to being back in school stay tuned
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry from the GOoCh

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