
Monday, January 26, 2009


1 comment:

Big Guy said...

Uh... I think people are way over-reacting to the "news" from NYC. First off, the book isn't out yet, so we don't know the context of what was said. Secondly, the book is written by Tom Verducci, with Joe Torre, but the words are not all Torre's, and I believe in the A-Fraud instance, the quotes are attributed to "unidentified Yankee players". I don't think anyone can be mad at Torre, I think the book in general is about the Yankees, and Torre just happened to be the main participant, but not the only one.

Also, I like the Boston Red Sox, as well as the Pittsburgh Pirates, but it almost seems like the Pirates are competing at a AAA-level these days, so I mainly root for the Sox. Also, I appreciate you cover your face with a hat. Big improvement!